Announcement and Advisories

Effective immediately, in the Compulsory Arbitration Program the party who starts an action by Writ of Summons or Complaint must serve a copy of the Standing Case Management Guidelines, which will be generated upon filing an action, along with the Writ or Complaint. Service is required as set forth by the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure pertaining to service of original process. See PA.R.C.P. Rule 400, et. seq. Pursuant to Philadelphia Rule of Civil Procedure *205.4, upon completion of service, proof of service must be filed promptly utilizing the Civil Electronic Filing System at: or the Civil Filing Center, Room 296, City Hall.

Posted: September 16, 2024
Use of the Electronic Filing System constitutes an acknowledgment that the user has read the Electronic Filing Rules Pa.O.C.R. 1.3 and 4.7 and Phila.O.C.R. 4.7.A, Pa.R.C.P. 205.4, Phila.R.C.P. *205.4 and Phila.R.C.P. 204.1 and Phila.R.Crim.P.576 and agrees to comply with same.

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